Sunday, May 24, 2009


flaming June as we says in england well not flaming June here at the moment but getting there lows of 50-55 and highs to 75 but thats good at the moment

plenty of watering and weeding this month as i got 95% of my stuff in but
i got a bigger problem i been told by the man who owns the plot i got
yes the Colorado potato beetle i heard about it in UK but we never get there but here its sometimes bad the man said watch out for it as they do get it there and i reminder about 3 weeks back i saw a bug on the ground and thought (is that the dreaded beetle and i think it might have been )as i checked my potatoes leaves and found 2 lots of eggs from the beetle OK i only got 3 rows of potatoes so hopefully i will be able to them at bay or hand pick them off and check them every 2-4 days

6th June
sown outdoors 2nd lot of f.beans and s onions and try ed for the first time k Rabi
things looking good in the garden but need lots of water due to sandy and good drainage soil

June 14
first cock up this year planted the lettuce i sown back end of may and the man who gave me garden had some leeks and broccoli to plant to i planted them as well Sunday morning watered well then went Monday night to check them and the lettuce and broccoli had wiltered to nothing (due to sun and 75-77 deregess last 2 days ) my fault i should have gone and checked them earlier might get a few out of them if not well people do make mistakes and i still learning the weather etc here for veg and with temp going to 80-85 frow now on i been to keep check on seedlings and new sown stuff and make sure they dont dry out



very surprised that the broccoli came out ok after plenty rain and water hope will will do well lettuce about 50% came back up to thats not bad
temps now into the 80-90s but glad i got everything in so now just weed and water and hope not find the Colorado beetle (not seen non since about 2 weeks back)

24th june
got my first lettuce out taste nice cos(roimine type) might need another week to fill it out fully but was ok
28th jume
had bad storm few days back knocked my corn down but i try to get them back to nornal hope they will be ok
got some beans and lettuce turnips and beet i try next few days and radish things looking good and part from the dearest seeds i bought the dworf runner beans hope they well do well

june 29th
i thought i try some late f beans i got and some lettuce cool weather last few day got more lettuce out and few turnips might not grow turnips agion only me likes it :(
hope for lots of veg in july

Thursday, May 14, 2009


may 14th
click pictures for bigger look

things looking good took the plants to the plot and will still use totes for night cover for next 1-2 weeks before planting them French and runner beans and corn coming up OK tomatoes doing well

made set up for tomatoes never done it this way before as normal my tomes was in a greenhouse in buckets but got some old Woods not paying price for canes or tom cages as i dunno if i will use then again due to i dunno if i get the plot next year .

potatoes Russian banana poking there heads out (i always mound up the soil of potatoes straight away instead of waiting to mound then up )have to watch for late frost (hope theres none now )
peas coming well as its radish made holes for courgettes(zucchini's )are whatever they called lol )

going to put 2-3 hands full of cow manure in each hole to give then good start as i will for tomes and corn and peppers
onions looking good only think i worried about is the carrots and s onions (green onions USA people call them )

planted i Roma tomato outside (16th may)to see if it will do OK with last few weeks coldish night weather as i needed the space for r beans in totes

planted 1st lot of French beans (green and yellow)outside (16th may)as i dropped the pot and it broke so i had to plant them out hope they be OK no frost but temp down to 42 middle of next week hope the weather get warmer soon as its nearly time as they say lots of people plant memorial(UK may bank Holiday Monday)day in Michigan

may 17th
had to cover plants outside up due to near frost that morning hope we not going to get any more frost as hope to plant out this weekend

may 19th
well weather next 6 days was 70s and 50s night time so why wait for mayday so i thought i try it and planted my tomatoes (golden and Roma ones)and peppers out last night

may 20th
planted sweetcorn (first lot)put handful of cow manure in each hole before planting)
planted runner beans(pole )the bush ones i one row cannot wait to see how they form as bush plants hope like the picture on the pkt
planted a couple of lettuce end of rows (6) i had from first sowing )

pics from 24th may

22-23 may
plenty of things to plant put the melons and water melons in the ground (bit small but i think they will be OK) planted rest of tomes(again only 2-3 inch tall but no Patience wait so i think they will be OK ) planted herbs in a small bed i made for them
well Every thing is in the ground apart from some sweetcorn i raised from seed late but they be going in next week

the well with the water in is weird you got to add water and pump it to get it going and only can use the left hand and you need strong hand to pump it after 5 mins you knackered lol
weather 70+ day nime 50-55 night time and plenty of weeds mainly bind weed ahhhhhhhhh its a pain in the neck but 10-20 mins a day or every other day will hope keep it down the soil id good but sandy top 2 inch of soil very dry in these sunny days dunno what be like when gets to 80+but hope roots of plants will have got down abit lots of watering and weeding from now planted everything apart from fbeans,radish lettuce beetroot turnips in mid June for late crop now just water weed and hope heheeh
30th may
got my first produce out of garden about 8-9 little radishers cannot wait to get more and other stuff